Bankruptcy Filings Increase 10% In August

Bankruptcy Filings Increase 10% In August

Bankruptcy filings for all Chapters (Chapter 7, Chapter 13, Chapter 11) increased in July of 2022, as compared to July of 2021. A recent article by Epiq Bankruptcy indicates that increased interest rates, supply chain concerns, and inflation are the primary reasons behind the increase.

Our firm has also seen an up-tick in consultations for bankruptcy as well as bankruptcy filings. This spans across business bankruptcy and personal bankruptcy. Additionally, our representation of clients for debt settlement has also increased in the past few months.

The Good News About Bankruptcy Filings

While increased bankruptcy filings are nothing to celebrate, we take the view that consumers and business owners alike are realizing that filing a bankruptcy is an strategic economic move that can be made to eliminate hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt at a very small cost, comparatively.

Speak With A Charlotte Bankruptcy Lawyer

If you would like to speak with a Charlotte bankruptcy lawyer about your options or have questions about bankruptcy filings, please call us at 704.749.7747, or request a free consultation and we will reach out to you shortly. There are typically multiple options for individuals which result in the financial freedom you deserve.