Can I Get A Credit Card After Bankruptcy?

Yes. In fact, it’s the best way to rebuild your credit after filing bankruptcy. Because your income to debt ratio will be healthy after filing bankruptcy, you’ll find you receive offers for credit cards a month or two after filing.

While you will eventually be able to get a traditional credit card at a normal rate, the first type of card you will most likely be approved for is called a secured credit card. This article explains a few types of cards to look for after filing.

Step Carefully Back Into The Credit Game

I advise my post-bankruptcy clients to focus on rebuilding credit. I also encourage them to be careful not to jeopardize their new financial stability. While it is smart to build good credit for the purchase of a home or reliable vehicle, it’s important to avoid over-extending ourselves.

Once A Client, Always A Client

I have realized that the lawyer-client relationship is nowhere near over just because the client receives a discharge in bankruptcy. My clients consider me to be their lawyer going forward. I’m proud of that. I have conversations regularly with old clients who need my help with a question about a new car or a communication from a mortgage company. I don’t charge for that time—it’s nice to reconnect and I’m happy to be able to help.

If you’d like to speak with a charlotte bankruptcy lawyer today, please call me. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about bankruptcy or your finances, no matter the situation. 704.749.7747.