Sears Filed Bankruptcy – Should You?
News today made it very clear that Sears filed bankruptcy. As a bankruptcy law firm, any time we see a corporation filing bankruptcy, we know it’s a business decision. When it comes to your personal bankruptcy filing, we encourage you to think of it as a business decision as well. This means it’s time to set aside your emotions and do what makes financial sense for you and your family.
Taking The Emotion Out Of Bankruptcy
When we say you should set aside your emotions, we simply mean that your family’s financial health should come before any guilt you feel for not paying back creditors. It also means your family’s health is more important than any guilt you feel in general over filing bankruptcy. Filing bankruptcy can be the smartest financial decision you’ll make for you and your family. It provides a fresh start and you can build on that fresh start.
Picture The Future For Your Family
After years of living paycheck to paycheck, we know it’s hard to imagine a future for you and your family that does not involve scraping by. The truth is, that future does exist. Getting out from credit card debt and other types of debt is a huge step in the right direction. Imagine being able to pay all of your bills each month and have some left over for savings, retirement, or family outings. The federal bankruptcy code offers powerful relief from debt, while letting you keep your home and car by using the Bankruptcy Exemptions.
Learning From The Sears Bankruptcy
The Sears bankruptcy filing reminds us that bankruptcy can be a business decision. In fact, many businesses bounce back after bankruptcy, to be healthier than ever. We’ve seen the same from the clients we work with. Quite often, a few years after filing bankruptcy, we speak with clients who are purchasing a new home and who report their financial lives are incredibly healthy. We can hear it in their voices that they are still happy they chose to end the suffering and file bankruptcy. That makes it all worthwhile for us.
Speak With A Bankruptcy Attorney Today
If you have questions about bankruptcy, call us at 704.749.7747. Or click for a FREE BANKRUPTCY CONSULTATION and we’ll reach out to you. We look forward to helping you get answers to questions. We also know you have choices. We hope you choose to Recover With Us.