Your car accident may necessitate hiring a personal injury lawyer. I am a Charlotte personal injury lawyer who handles car accidents every day. As a result, I assist clients with numerous challenges while advancing a personal injury claim. There are some instances where it’s appropriate to settle your car accident claim without a lawyer. However, experience shows me that in most cases a personal injury lawyer will help you achieve better results than you could on your own.
Is My Accident A Car Accident?
Any injury involving a car typically is covered under the insurance policy for the vehicle. Some obvious examples include being rear-ended, hit by a tractor-trailer, or hit crossing the street. In fact, even a fact scenario where a dog jumps out of a car and the dog bites a passer-by may be covered by the auto insurance policy. Establishing a claim and accessing the insurance policy proceeds is the attorney’s job. As a result, your personal injury lawyer’s examination of the facts and application of them to existing North Carolina case law is key.
Starting An Insurance Claim
Once your personal injury lawyer identifies the appropriate insurance carrier, he starts a claim and the claim is assigned an insurance adjuster. While your lawyer and the adjuster work together throughout the claim, in hopes of settling the claim for an amount you are happy with. At the start of the claim, the lawyer lays the foundation for recovery and establishes that liability falls on the insurance carrier. This point is often argued. Therefore, whether you’re able to recover anything at all depends upon the insurance carrier accepting responsibility for the actions of their insured.
Gathering Medical Bills and Medical Records
Medical billing in a personal injury claim is unique. As a result, certain medical providers including hospitals, ambulance services, and even your health insurance company is entitled to a lien against settlement proceeds. One of the valuable skills your injury lawyer brings to your car accident claim is identifying appropriate medical billing. Furthermore, your lawyer then negotiates that billing down so that you recover more from the settlement or lawsuit.
Keeping The Client Involved
One of the primary complaints about personal injury lawyers is that they don’t return phone calls. The second, is that they generally don’t keep their clients involved in the process. You should expect regular communication from your lawyer. When I am speaking with a client about their claim, we always establish when we will talk next. As a result, that gives us both the confidence that we will communicate regularly as things progress.
Get Representation Today
If you’ve been in a car accident, we’re here to help. A simple phone call to our office will help you understand your options. The consultation is free and we’d love to hear from you. If you’d like a free evaluation of your case, please click HERE to request a call. Or reach out to us at 704.749.7747. We hope you choose to Recover With Us.