Does Bankruptcy Ruin Your Credit?

Does Bankruptcy Ruin Your Credit?

Does Bankruptcy Ruin Your Credit?

No, bankruptcy does not ruin your credit. In fact, bankruptcy may ultimately be the reason you are finally able to restore your credit. We understand your credit score is an important factor in deciding whether to file bankruptcy. While the initial filing of a bankruptcy will temporarily lower your credit score, most debtors find that their score recovers within a year from filing bankruptcy.

Your Debt To Income Ratio

One important aspect of your credit score is your debt to income ratio. The filing of bankruptcy changes your debt to income ratio in your favor. This immediately serves to help you rebuild your credit. Additionally, as a result of your bankruptcy, your credit report will show fewer debts. You become an attractive client to creditors when your debt to income ratio is healthy. This means you will be considered for credit cards, automobile loans, and other extensions of credit.

How Quickly After Bankruptcy Will My Credit Score Recover?

Most of our clients tell us that their credit score bounces back at the one-year mark from filing bankruptcy. However, this will fluctuate depending upon how high your score was before filing bankruptcy, and depending upon the steps you take to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy. If you are making payments on a secured credit card or a vehicle after bankruptcy, those positive payment reports will serve your credit score well.

Free Yourself From The Chains Of Credit Card Debt

Credit card companies want you to fear bankruptcy. They would rather you give them every extra penny you have, to keep them from taking further action against you for non-payment. This is true regardless of whether your monthly payment to them makes even the slightest dent in the balance owed.

The bigger picture when deciding whether to file bankruptcy involves regaining your financial freedom. The relatively small price to pay for that financial freedom is the time it takes to rebuild your credit. When bankruptcy clients call us two years after their bankruptcy to tell us they have gotten approved for a home mortgage, they usually tell us the same thing: I never should have waited as long as I did to file my bankruptcy.

Speak With A Charlotte Bankruptcy Lawyer Today

If you have questions about how bankruptcy can help your credit, we are here to help. Once a client decides to file bankruptcy, we advise you to stop paying on any debt which will be discharged by the bankruptcy. If you would like to speak with a bankruptcy lawyer, call us at 704.749.7747 or click HERE to request a free consultation by phone or in person.