Charlotte NC Estate Planning Lawyer

Charlotte NC Estate Planning Lawyer

Charlotte North Caroline Estate Planning Lawyer

If you need a basic will or estate plan, we can assist. Our firm routinely handles legal matters for clients which begin with a bankruptcy or a personal injury claim. Often, clients ask us for assistance with a will, power of attorney, or living will. Fortunately, our basic will and estate plans contain a will, healthcare power of attorney, financial power of attorney, and a living will.

Most clients find a basic will and accompanying documents are all they need. If your financial situation warrants advanced estate planning, we will let you know and help you take the next steps. Fortunately, in most cases, a basic estate plan is all you need, and clients find it quite affordable.

Charlotte Wills and Trust Lawyer

Your last will and testament is a document used to convey your wishes as it relates to your real estate and your personal property. Your attorney will discuss with you what you own, and who you would like to inherit what you own, upon your death. Your will attempts to carry out those wishes.

Guardianship of Minor Children

If you have minor children, your will has language which indicates who you would like to serve as a Guardian. You get an opportunity to also name an alternate, in the event the first person or couple is unavailable to serve as Guardian.

Charlotte Estate Planning Lawyer

Your will also gives you a chance to name an Executor or someone who is appointed to carry out your financial affairs after your death. You can name numerous individuals for this role, in the event the originally named individual is unavailable or unwilling to serve in that role.

Healthcare Power of Attorney

Your healthcare power of attorney names an individual you authorize to assist doctors in making healthcare decisions on your behalf, in the event you are not able to make those decisions yourself. This individual will also be able to sign paperwork and handle facilitating healthcare decisions from an administrative or practical perspective.

Financial Power of Attorney

Much like a healthcare power of attorney, the financial power of attorney names individuals to make financial decisions for you if you are unable to make them yourself. This includes doing your banking, depositing checks, and sometimes even selling real estate. Your financial power of attorney is effective upon signing, and continues until your death, until you revoke it, or until a specific time named in the document.

Living Will

A living will is a document that gives you an opportunity to tell doctors in advance, what procedures you do and do not want to be performed on you, in different health conditions. For example, if your condition is determined to be fatal, you can direct doctors not to subject you to artificial nutrition and hydration (“Tube feeding”) or not to use “Extraordinary Means” to keep you alive. This advanced directive is a way for your voice to be part of the conversation when your health won’t allow you to.

Wills And Trust Lawyer Near Me

If you’d like to speak with an attorney about a basic will package or an estate plan, please call us at 704.749.7747 or click for a FREE CONSULTATION and we will call or email you. Estate planning should be affordable, and we strive to contribute to meet that goal.