Paying For Your Bankruptcy

Paying For Your Bankruptcy

I’ve always found that paying for your bankruptcy makes an otherwise difficult financial time even more… difficult. Fortunately, if you’re able to put together the funds for bankruptcy, you will experience immediate financial relief upon filing, as your creditors are no longer allowed to attempt to collect on debts. We understand the difficulty associated with paying for your bankruptcy, and we try to be flexible in that regard. Call our office at 704.749.7747 for more details, or click HERE to request a fee quote.

Down Payments Toward Bankruptcy

Our firm will start working on your bankruptcy with you, prior to receiving any funds from you. If you are willing to do the work involved in preparing to file, we take that as a showing of good faith on your part and we work with you to get started. After the firm has reviewed your submitted information, we will schedule a call with you. Once we are comfortable you will be successful in your Chapter 7 filing, then we ask you to make a deposit toward the total fee.

Using Credit Cards To Pay For Bankruptcy

Unfortunately, you can not use a credit card to pay for bankruptcy. When you place a charge on a credit card which you have no intention of paying back, that debt will survive the bankruptcy. A bankruptcy fee would fall into that category.

When Will My Bankruptcy Be Filed

The Federal Bankruptcy Code requires that the final payment be received by the attorney prior to the actual filing of the bankruptcy. So, the remainder of your payment is due any time prior to filing. Once we receive the final payment from you, we are typically ready to file your case within a week. Upon filing, which is done electronically, your bankruptcy attorney automatically receives a bankruptcy case number. The court also immediately notifies your creditors of the filing.

Can Someone Else Pay For My Bankruptcy

Yes, someone else is permitted to pay for some or all of your bankruptcy. While many clients have already borrowed money from friends or family in order to try to keep up with mounting debts and gaps in income, our clients find those same friends and family members are interested in assisting with bankruptcy payments because it represents an end to a difficult situation for you.

Other Fees In Bankruptcy

For Chapter 7 bankruptcy, we charge a flat fee and we will explain to you the work included with that flat fee. In some rare circumstances, a Chapter 7 may require additional attorney work to defend against an aggressive creditor. Those situations are usually evident prior to filing and your Charlotte bankruptcy attorney will make sure you understand the risk of having to spend additional money on the bankruptcy. Typically, this is not the case.

Who Pays The Bankruptcy Court Filing Fees

In addition to the attorney fee, there are fees due to the court for filing a bankruptcy. Our firm includes those fees in our flat fee, and we pay the court fees directly, together with any 3rd party fees associated with your bankruptcy.

Taking Next Steps

Most clients tell us they feel better already after simply having a phone consultation with the attorney. If you’d like to take the next step toward financial freedom, simply call us at 704.749.7747 and speak with an attorney today. Or you can click HERE and request a call. Bankruptcy is a powerful resource which provides great relief and marks the start of your financial recovery. We hope you’ll choose to Recover With Us.