Car Accident Attorneys Are On Your Side

Car Accident Attorneys Are On Your Side

The reality of being a driver in a large city like Charlotte, NC or any of the surrounding cities and towns, is that the likelihood of being involved in a car accident increases. As a Charlotte car accident attorney, I’m well aware of this. With more drivers on the road each year, and the many distractions drivers face, it’s no wonder almost everyone you talk with has at least been in a fender bender or a minor rear end auto accident.

While many minor accidents simply involve making sure everyone is ok, and taking care of small automobile repairs, quite often, an auto accident is more serious. Your vehicle may be totaled, your injuries may require a trip to the hospital, or an auto accident may even lead to a fatality.

Common Causes of Car Accidents

While having more drivers on the road increases the chance of an auto accident, we also live in a unique time regarding our pace of life and our habits of multi-tasking. Quite often, one of the following is a cause of or a contributing factor in an auto accident:

  • Texting while driving
  • Falling asleep while driving
  • Road Rage
  • Inexperience with road conditions
  • Not paying attention

When another driver fails to exercise the required amount of care on the road, and you’re the victim, it’s time to call a car accident attorney.

Dealing With Insurance Companies

As a car accident attorney in Charlotte, I often speak with individuals who have been hit by a negligent driver. Quite often, my client has already spoken with the other driver’s insurance company in an attempt to resolve the matter. I’m amazed at how often those insurance companies fail to treat the individual fairly, including alleging contributory negligence as a standard response to the claim.

In addition to offering low value to someone who is not represented by a car accident attorney, quite often the insurance companies will take advantage of the web of rules, laws and policies involved in addressing an insurance claim—things get complicated very quickly and if you’re not experienced, it’s easy to get taken advantage of.

How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help

An attorney can simply answer questions for you. This is true even if you decide not to hire the attorney. Free phone consultations are a part of the job for attorneys. Quite often, an individual just needs a little guidance in order to be able to feel good about the result they have achieved without an attorney. We’re happy to answer questions in that regard.

An attorney also provides experience and knowledge which—if hired on by the client—will not only help to determine if you have a claim and maximize the value of the claim, but also to insure that the client isn’t signing away their rights.

Emotional support is a component of almost every client claim I handle. It’s understandable clients are emotional regarding the experience they had. They also need the support from me and my office, when it comes to dealing with the amount of time it takes to settle a claim or try a case, combined with how difficult insurance companies can be throughout the process. We’re here to help with that.

If you would like to speak with a Charlotte personal injury attorney, call 704.749.7747 today. Or, you can click HERE to tell us when to call you. We hope you choose to Recover With Us.