Deciding On A Charlotte Personal Injury Lawyer

If you are trying to decide on a Charlotte personal injury lawyer, there are a few things to consider. Most all Charlotte personal injury lawyer contracts will cover the same provisions in terms of a contingency fee paid to the lawyer. This is the classic “We don’t get paid if you don’t get paid.”

Charlotte Personal Injury Attorney Reviews

In addition to making sure the personal injury attorney’s fees are fair, you may want to look at Charlotte personal injury attorney reviews online. Google and Yahoo are the most respected review sites and you can typically find personal injury attorney reviews for attorneys in your area. Finding an attorney whose personality is compatible with yours is important. Lastly, you’ll want to make sure the lawyer and the lawyer’s office communicates with their clients regularly about the personal injury case. Don’t be afraid to ask them how often you’ll hear from them.

Establishing A Timeframe

A Charlotte personal injury attorney should be able to give you a general timeline for how long it will take to reach certain milestones in your personal injury case. Typically, the law firm makes sure you’re following physician’s directives, communicates regularly with your physicians, and makes routine requests for updated information from the doctor treating your injury. Once you’ve completed treatment, the personal injury attorney can begin to put together a claim on your behalf.

Your Personal Injury Claim

Your personal injury claim will consist of a number of components, from loss of enjoyment of life, to medical bills. One important aspect of maximizing your outcome in a personal injury lawsuit is negotiating with doctors to lower their bills. Your Charlotte personal injury lawyer will do this on your behalf, typically once you get close to settlement with the insurance company.

Will Your Personal Injury Lawyer Go To Trial?

Most cases do not go to trial; however, it’s important to hire a personal injury attorney whose firm is willing to try cases. This gives the law firm greater negotiating power with insurance companies, and gives you the confidence you need to know that the firm can litigate if necessary. Any personal injury law firm will need to study the facts, the physician’s findings and other relevant information prior to committing to taking a case to trial for you.

If you have any questions about personal injury or are interested in speaking with a Charlotte personal injury lawyer, please call me at 704.749.7747. You can also fill out a short questionnaire here and we will call you today. We’re here to help.