Fractured or Broken Bones In Car Accidents

Fractured or Broken Bones In Car Accidents

We have settled several personal injury claims involving fractured or broken legs. Some of these claims involved slip and fall injuries, and others involve car accidents. Depending upon the facts surrounding an injury, you can achieve dramatically different results. This is why working with a Charlotte personal injury lawyer is an important part of your case.

How Do You Break Your Leg In A Car Accident

It may seem odd to break your leg or ankle in a car accident. First, you generally place your foot on the brake at the time of impact. This is simply instinct. Second, your leg tends to be in a locked position when engaged with the brake. Finally, due to the impact of the car accident, many victims find all their weights comes to bear on the leg engaged with the brake pedal. The force pushing through the leg causes the break or fracture.

What Types Of Breaks Occur In A Car Accident

You may fracture or break your tibia or fibula in a car accident. These are the bones in the lower leg. You might also suffer a torn meniscus or ACL injury, though these are more common in slip and fall injuries. A broken thigh bone or femur is another common injury due to impact from car accidents.

The Value Of Your Broken Bone Claim

As mentioned before, depending upon the facts surrounding your injury, the value of your claim may differ. If the insurance company defending the other driver believes the accident was partly your fault, they may argue for less than 100% value to be paid to you as part of a personal injury settlement. This happens more commonly when the impact is not due to rear-end impact. Additionally, if you suffer a broken bone in a slip and fall injury, you will find the first line of defense from the adjuster will be Contributory Negligence. Essentially, they will argue you weren’t watching where you were going, or were wearing the wrong type of shoes. Their offer to settle will be reduced, based on these facts.

If your injury gives rise to lost wages or special damages, the value of your claim will also be affected. Your personal injury lawyer can help you verify lost wages and defend your right to be compensated for lost wages. If you are self-employed, you’ll find unique challenges when presenting lost wages to insurance adjusters.

The Importance Of Working With A Lawyer

Not every personal injury claim requires the help of a personal injury lawyer. There are times when using a personal injury lawyer might out-weigh the benefits. In our experience, we are happy to give you advice on how to settle those claims on your own. However, the vast majority of clients find they get better results with the help of a personal injury lawyer. There’s no cost to hire our firm, and we don’t get paid unless you get paid.

Talk To A Charlotte Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Call 704.749.7747 today to speak with a Charlotte personal injury lawyer. Or, click HERE to request a call from us. Phone consultations are free. We know you have choices, and we hope you choose to Recover With Us.