Should You Ever Admit Fault in a Car Accident?

Should You Ever Admit Fault in a Car Accident?

While feeling agitated after a car accident is natural, you should never let your emotions override you. ‘I’m sorry’ is one of the phrases that you must never say at any cost, but unfortunately, many people, intimidated by the situation, apologize and admit their fault unconsciously. This is something the insurance companies want you to do in the event of an accident. But it can hurt your case badly, and you may lose the compensation you deserve or even be made liable for it.

Whether or not you’re at fault, leave it to your car accident lawyer. You should never admit or apologize, as your one wrong statement can be used against you in court. 

This article will share why you should never admit your fault in a car accident.

Why Should You Never Admit Fault in a Car Accident?

A car accident may leave you shocked, overwhelmed, and uncertain about your next steps, but you should never admit your fault, not even partly. Otherwise, you risk losing the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damage to your vehicle.

Your Apology May Put You in Trouble

In motor vehicle accidents, a driver’s apology is equal to admitting their fault. If you apologize, you put yourself in trouble for all the financial compensation to be paid to the victim. This will not only be detrimental to someone still recovering from their injuries and damages but also let the other at-fault party escape the financial responsibility.

Admitting Fault Doesn’t Speed Up the Legal Process

There’s a common misconception that apologizing speeds up the legal process and reduces complexities. Yes, it’s true, but for the other party. By apologizing, you make it easier for the other party and the insurance companies. Plus, if you admit your fault:

  • Your driving record will record the accident
  • Your insurance company will pay the damages, increasing your insurance premiums

There’s No Legal Requirement 

No legal requirement binds you to apologize. Even if you think you’re partly at fault, you’re not required legally to say sorry and admit it.

Your Acceptance at the Scene May be Used Against You Later

Many people are present at the accident site, such as witnesses and police, who may have heard you saying sorry and recorded our words. The police record your initial statements in an official report which car accident attorneys and insurance companies can later use. Your verbal apology closes your door to recovering compensation for your damages and puts you at risk of a personal injury lawsuit against you.

You Risk Losing Your Right to Compensation

A car accident may result in personal injury or damage to the vehicle. You have the right to compensation, such as medical bills, car repairs, lost wages, etc. These may vary from state to state, depending on how they handle tax liability. Many states have the comparative fault law, according to which the fault is shared between the two parties so each pays and receives compensation, regardless of who was at fault. In such a case, even the responsible party is entitled to some compensation.

Also, you may face serious legal consequences if you admit your fault and then retract it in court. This is considered perjury, making you liable to lawsuits.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer for Peace of Mind!

Whether or not you’re at fault in a car accident, admitting it and apologizing should never be an option. It can only complicate things for you and puts you at risk of losing your rightful compensation. The best is to talk to a personal injury attorney who will assess the case professionally from a legal point of view and will fight to help you get the fairest compensation.

If you’ve had an accident in North Carolina, and are looking for a personal injury attorney, contact Layton Law, a trusted and experienced Personal Injury law firm in Charlotte, NC. The personal injury attorneys at Layton Law are experienced in dealing with all types of car accidents, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and slip and fall cases.

Call 704.749.7747 or visit the website for more information!