Medical Payments coverage (or “Med Pay”) is an available amount of money which can be applied directly to your outstanding medical bills. These funds are in addition to any settlement you reach with an insurance company related to a car accident or a slip and fall in North Carolina. This article will help you to understand Medical Payments coverage and how it works in the personal injury arena. Additionally, please feel free to reach out to us HERE if you have any questions.
Medical Payments Eligibility
Not every auto insurance policy contains Med Pay coverage; however, if you purchased Med Pay coverage, you declarations page will list the coverage. You can also call your insurance agent or insurance company to ask. In order to access Medical Payments coverage under your auto insurance policy, your medical bills must have been generated from an injury sustained in a car accident.
Medical bills resulting from an injury sustained on a business property may also be entitled to Med Pay coverage. Your personal injury lawyer will inquire as to whether the premises liability coverage maintained by the business owner contains Medical Payments coverage.
Medical Payments Coverage And Personal Injury Settlement
Your settlement with an insurance company for a liability claim stemming from a car accident or slip and fall on a business premise will not be affected by the Med Pay coverage. This coverage is separate from your personal injury settlement. When Medical Payments coverage is available, quite often it means that the funds from your personal injury settlement will be spent less on medical bills and more money will go to you, the injured person.
Medical Payments And Personal Injury Attorney Fees
Your personal injury attorney is not permitted to take a 1/3 contingency fee from your Medical Payments proceeds; however, most personal injury attorneys charge a small administrative charge for processing the Med Pay check and orchestrating the claim with the insurance adjuster. This is the customary and allowable practice in North Carolina.
Do I Have Medical Payments Coverage?
Call our office today and we can help you determine if you have Med Pay coverage. We will explain the process for obtaining the benefits of that coverage, and discuss your personal injury claim with you as well. You can reach us at 704.749.7747 or click HERE to request a call. We’re here to help and we hope you choose to Recover With Us.
Further Reading
To read over 100 articles we’ve written about personal injury topics, please visit our Personal Injury Blog page.